Saturday, December 8, 2012


While talking with neighbors Tom and Eleanor recently, the matter of the once titled Rural Electrification Administration (REA) came up.  Apparently it's still on the books.  Which means that there could be a glimmer of hope that electricity could come to the Santa Rita. 

Counting our blessings for the creation of Google, it took a matter of seconds to find out that the once titled Rural Electrification Administration, now goes by the name of Rural Utilities Service (RUS) and is governed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Several States, including New Mexico are slated to be receiving funding from the USDA, per a press release dated Oct. 19, 2012.  The USDA has recognized New Mexico as a possible candidate to receive funding.  They have lumped NM in with Arizona and California.  The USDA may never recognize the Santa Rita as being worthy of any funding, but they are at least including New Mexico as being one of eight States to receive funding.  Have to start somewhere, and just having them acknowledge NM put a smile on my face while reading the press release.

So, anything is possible, friends and neighbors, even in New Mexico.  I'm going to continue to look into it a bit further, and perhaps by the time we're all in the position to live up there full time, you never know, there may be power up there, in one form or another. 

We're still going solar at the T-Square Ranch, and who knows?...the government might be able to help with that too!

Hope to see you all sometime in 2013.

Happy New Year to you and yours!

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