Sunday, July 19, 2009


Seriously, I have never understood those people who just drive down the road, any road, even if it's out in the middle of nowhere and "pitch" their beverage containers out the vehicle window.

This morning I spent about 45 minutes walking the 1/4 mile of our property that is on the State Road, and picked up apx. 11 pounds of garbage in the form of cans and bottles that have been thrown from vehicles.

I will be "targeting" hunters who I know have traveled in our area, by writing to "outdoor" magazines. If you ever see a new campaign, in addition to the "do not drink and drive", now reading, "do not drink, and drive or pitch"...that would be my campaign folks.

I don't care if someone thinks they are out in the middle of nowhere, and not that I have anything better to do out in the middle of nowhere, picking up someone else's garbage is NOT how I want to spend my Sunday morning!

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Even though we don't get to the ranch as often as we would like, and this "two-track" is now graveled, (and a lot less bumpy!) never the less it's just a great feeling to turn off the state route and head up the drive.

While we didn't get all that we had hoped to accomplish completed last year, and ditto for this year, we have still made progress. The storage container is on-site, and the road is graveled. We have water, a roof over our head, and a comfy enough place to hunker down when we do get to the ranch.

We're at least moving forward, but certainly not so fast that our angels can't keep up!

Next weekend we'll be rehanging the freshly painted T-Square Ranch sign, and dropping off a few things we've got hanging around that really should be up at the ranch.

And here's hoping that we can move to Albuquerque or Rio Rancho, or some other town in NM by this time next year. Hopefully by the end of this year.

Only time will tell, and until then, we just have to keep moving forward!