Thursday, June 21, 2012


I promised to publish the St. Jude's Novena, so I shall, here on my blog, as it seems that this blog gets more hits than my other blog, Paranormal By Design.

I only evoke the power of this prayer when absolutely, positively necessary.  And the last couple of months have been like being in the Twilight Zone, where you just want to shout, "Stop the world, I want to get off!"...or at least fly to Tibet, get on a Yak and ride into the sunset.  At the very least, I'd like to get to my ranch, not find anything stolen or broken...and  I'd like to be able to stay for more than 24 hours!

I just need something good, and positive to start happening in my life, please and thank you!  I especially would like to be able to use my God-given, and hereditary talents, and my highly creative and artistic abilities to be able to make a decent income.  So that with this decent income I can then fulfill my goals, and also possibly help others succeed in fulfilling theirs.

At the very least, I would like to get paid what I'm worth, as in the higher salaries that I've made in the past, and I would like to make that salary by utilizing all the knowledge and talents I have acquired in the past 57 years.

In short, I need a miracle.

So...every so often, when the usual means of communication out into the Great Beyond, and to the Heavenly Father and to the Powers-That-Be doesn't seem to be working (and honestly, I've actually had a couple of "my mouth to God's ear" moments!)...and nothing else I can possibly think of and do to try to change things for the better is working either...

Then I start reciting the St. Jude's Novena, hoping that a positive change is going to happen.  I know "stuff" happens and I can deal with it, like all the ups and downs along the roller coaster that is life, but there are times when I can't for the life of me see that light on the horizon or at the end of the tunnel without thinking it might very well be a train coming to mow me down...and that's when...

I pull out a prayer I once found published in the newspaper (and the little piece of paper is now several decades old) by someone who (hopefully) received what they were praying for.

As I mentioned above, I only evoke the prayer as a last resort, (because I believe in the "this too shall pass" rule and it usually does!) and I have to be honest and say that I don't always receive what I'm asking for (at least that I'm aware of), but at least twice I have received what I had requested, in one form or another, and because of this I continue to believe in the power of prayer.

I've lost count as to what day I'm actually on with this prayer, it might be day three, maybe day four, I've told myself I'm just going to continue with this prayer until what I'm praying for is actually fulfilled...
And I've already promised to publish the St. Jude's Novena, so I shall...

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. 
Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us.
St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. 
St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us.

Say this prayer nine times a day.
By the eighth day, your prayer will be answered. 
However, say if for nine days.

It has never been known to fail. 
(The line above was in the paper I received. Who knows for sure, but nothing ventured, nothing gained!)

Publication must be promised. 

(And you must fulfill your promise, which is so very easy to these days via the internet!)
Thank you, St. Jude.

I would also suggest...leave nothing to as specific as possible in your request, but of course, be appreciative of anything you might receive.

Wishing any reader of this blog many, many blessings!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


When we went up to the ranch over the weekend of June 2nd, we actually didn't even drive the few extra miles to go into Quemado. Imagine that. We just wanted to get to the ranch, and once we discovered the theft of our utility trailer, all we wanted to do was leave.

However, while we were checking out our neighbor's property, we also have the pleasure of meeting more neighbors! It's nice putting voices with faces. I had only previously spoken with Barb and Paul via the phone so it was nice to get to meet them in person. Great couple. It was a pleasure getting to know them better. it's also nice to know that they live in the area.

And that they know what's happening in Quemado!

So per Barb and Paul... The El Serape restaurant is once again open for business. The food is apparently good, and the dessert, the banana split in particular is really something! Large servings and reasonably priced. They are also closed on Sunday and Monday, otherwise it would have given us a reason to actually turn to drive into town rather than head directly back to AZ.

The food seems to be popular enough to have people migrating from the Largo Cafe over to the El Serape. The waitress/owner of the El Serape worked for a spell at the Largo. Hope there aren't any hard feelings like there had been between the Country Store and the new Convenience Store. Only time will tell if the nice lady who makes a mean banana split can survive in Quemado.

The hardware store, owned and operated by Seventh Day Adventists isn't open on the weekends so who knows if that operation will be open for long. We don't know if their store is under any flag, like True Value, Ace, etc. but certainly hope they see the light to at least hire someone to run it for them on the weekends. At least there's a hardware store there now, regardless of the hours of operation.

And last but not least. Carl is still...well, Carl. Enough said. That story, let's say is probably best left for a conversation around a campfire after another landowners barbeque.

Hopefully we'll be able to get another one of those landowners barbeques together next year! Looking forward to seeing you all out on the Santa Rita next year! Until then...Happy Trails!

Monday, June 4, 2012


Unfortunately, and sadly, there has been yet another theft on the Santa Rita. The first thing we saw as we turned into the T-Square was that the "No Hunting No Trespassing" sign had disappeared from our sign post near the road. We put that up after the break-in to our trailer, and the theft of our generator and garden cart last year. If the cows had eaten it, they ate every bit of it, even the staples.

So on up the drive we went. Through the trees, and around the corner.

We looked to the left, seeing the trailer, the water trailer, and a big empty space between the trees where our utility trailer had been sitting for the past 5 years. Bill and I looked at one another. Our jaws went slack. Expeletives running through both of our heads no doubt, but no words came out of our mouths.

We both just let out a sigh. Bill parked the truck and we once again held our breath as we headed around the corner of the trailer, not knowing what we'd find this time. Fortunately, all was well.

Every time we'd get over to the Santa Rita, turning that corner after coming through the trees we had held our breath, hoping that everything would be just as we had left it the time before. And it always was. Until last year.

While our luck had held out for the past five years, and our stuff had been left alone, things are obviously a bit different now out on the Santa Rita.

The substantial lock on the tongue of the utility trailer didn't deter them, the brazen thief just probably hooked chains to it and hauled it over the chocks we had under the wheels. They illegally scored themselves a nice utility trailer.

Thieves: 1. Us: 0.

So I called all the neighbors I could get a hold of, trying to determine the time-frame of when the trailer had been taken, and then I called the Sheriff's office to report the theft.

Then I went for a walk. Past the sign that I had place my first T-Square on. The T-Square I had gotten in art school. That T-Square was the first thing to be stolen from our property. Even if I had nailed it down to the sign, it probably would have still been stolen. At least it made it to the T-Square Ranch, my dream-come-true.

Obviously my dream didn't include the thieves that wander through the Santa Rita as if it was their local shopping center. The black-hearted thieves who are obviously getting more desperate and/or brazen as the years go by.

Ah yes, New clearly becoming the Land of Dis-Enchantment.