Saturday, January 24, 2009


Once we thought the threat of snow had passed, or at least hoped the threat of snow had passed it was time to take a shot at building. So the cement mixer was purchased. There is a concrete batch plant in Quemado, but it didn't seem as cost effective as mixing the concrete ourselves.

Labor and sanity effective? Well, that remained to be seen.

Believe me, this cement mixer was big enough for me to sleep in if I had wanted to take a siesta, but there was work to be done. Holes to be dug, concrete to be mixed and poured... Piers, beams...back and forth along 26 miles of gravel road into town for supplies...

Oh my heavens what were we getting ourselves into?

Did I mention we had never...emphasis on NEVER...
done anything like this before?

But hey, this lovely cement mixer sure would beat trying to mix batches by hand in a wheel-barrow! Yeah...30-some bags later...we would have been found dead, face down, encased in concrete.

As much as I initially thought that we would be better off (for health reasons mostly) just hiring the concrete company to haul the mix out the 26 miles of gravel road, I'm glad we bought that mixer. It will always come in handy for other projects...But more so, just because it was very rewarding and satisfying to know that we did it ourselves.

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