I was wondering if I'd ever be able to have another piece of birthday cake on my favorite piece of land in the whole world. This year I was hoping to have my favorite piece of cake in the whole world (Sanders Bumpy Cake) on my favorite piece of land in the whole world, but the latter was not meant to be. I'm just extremely happy and appreciative to have been able to spend my 58th birthday out on the T-Square Ranch. And the cake, even though not Sanders Bumpy Cake, was pretty darn delicious!

It was quite dry, although by evidence when rolling out the awning, the area has gotten some rain. Yet, when we drove in it was dry, dry, dry, and I'm sure a lot of prayers were being said in the churches of Quemado for some much needed rain. It wasn't all blue, cloudless skies over the weekend, there were some clouds rolling in on Sunday and Monday, but they cleared out later in the evening and the sky was filled with the usual "billions and billions" (thank you, Mr. Sagan) of stars as we've all been able to view on our visits out to the Santa Rita. The huge golden yellow moon coming up over the mountains to the east was spectacular.
Something was obviously going on in the atmosphere, as we could visibly see this ring around the sun, which is what can usually be seen around the moon during humid weather in the fall. On Sunday and Monday there looked to be rain falling all over the land between the Santa Rita and Quemado, and also up on the mesa to the north, but who knows if any of it actually hit the ground. We certainly hope it did as the land and the animals are certainly in need of it.
There were a few cows and their doggies out in different fields, and there were a few cows in our front meadow and across the road at Tom and Darlene's place, but not in the numbers we've seen them cross our property in the past. They've taken the meadows down to just about dirt, but there are new green shoots sprouting in little pockets here and there.
And there are flowers too! These are just some of the wonders I spied on my "birthday walk-about"
when I take a hike down to the ravine. Well, okay, I didn't actually get down to the ravine this year. I went a little farther north, towards the base of Moreno Hill.
Overall, it was a cherished birthday weekend, as I walked along the land, remembering those who have served our county with honor, and who fought for our freedoms.
Thank you to all past and present service men and women for helping us to keep our dreams alive.
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