For those folks just reading about the "Adventures On the T-Square Ranch", for the first time...we realize that, just like digging the holes for our pier foundation and filling them in with concrete, there might be some parts missing to this blog, so I will try to fill in those parts for you in the next few posts. Fortunately I have pictures to jog my memory of what I've left out, and what you may be curious about.
Maybe I should start with the fact that James Butler Hickok (aka: Wild Bill Hickok) and I share the same birthdate. And I have a picture taken of me when I was very, very young, in a cowboy hat, that looks very similar to a picture of him that I found in an encyclopedia, except that I was much cuter, and much younger, of course.
Okay, maybe that's going back a little too far.... So fast forward to September of 2005. After 15 years of living in Fountain Hills, AZ, it was time to get the heck out of Dodge, so to speak. Bill wanted a place to have horses, and an internet search had been going on for years to find this "horse property".
Both Bill and I had lived in AZ since 1978, and didn't know of any other place we'd rather live...other than....
New Mexico. The Land of Enchantment.
We initially looked in the Silver City area, but found that the price of land was a little too high for our pocketbook. We found a couple places farther north, but a few things in the minus column kept us from signing on the dotted line.
Another internet search, however, pulled up a new "subdivision" just opened in Central Western New Mexico... It seemed reasonably priced, and had good terrain to raise horses. We both would have liked something at a little lower elevation, because, as you found out in previous gets darn cold in the winter time. And don't let me forget to tell you about the lovely winds...
So, here's the run down on our area:
Our "subdivision" is in what the land seller called: Santa Rita Estates.
On a map, yes, it's parcelled like a subdivision, but on a much larger scale.
There are 24 lots in the Santa Rita Estates, sized from 26 to 120+ acres.
Our lot is 48 acres and some change. It's around 6,800 ft in elevation.
It is approximately 1/4 mile on each side, and somewhat square-like in appearance. I would reckon to guess that it has less than 15 acres that is actually flat. The full mile hike around the property is a really good work out.
And the views...spectacular, especially when a storm is approaching.
The purchase took place over a piece of pie in a local cafe, a two-page contract, with a down payment and a hand-shake. A month later it was a done-deal.
The dream had come true.
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