While it was Karen's dream to own land, it's Bill's dream to own horses...
Karen used to ride horses while in college, but because of a horse riding incident many years later, she has not gotten back on a horse since. Even though Bill has been horseback riding in recent years, he's also been thrown by a horse by the name of Dutch, but is always willing to get back on a horse.
Karen also thinks he looks real good in a cowboy hat (he has several) and especially wearing said cowboy hat while sitting atop a horse. Preferably a horse that won't throw him. She certainly wishes and hopes to someday see him riding his horse in the meadow at the ranch.

To all of you reading this, please wish that his dream comes true, because Karen knows all too well, wishes are very powerful things.
Until Karen gets her courage up, and Bill finds her a nice gentle horse to ride, she'll be fine remembering her college riding days, and her most favorite horse of all...